
Friday 8 June 2012


I am one of the many people that have an IKEA Expedit bookcase. 
Mine is about 10 years old and is 5 x 5, giving 25 pigeon holes.

The 7 square baskets are also from IKEA.  Again, these are about 10 years old.  The baskets IKEA sell now have hinges so they can fold flat.  My baskets are wicker on timber frames.  Over the years the baskets have gone from holding baby toys, to Lego and now DVD's.

Where the other pigeon holes were once filled with toys and games, they are now filled with simple items I have collected over the years.

In fact, I have collected a lot of bits and pieces.

The seagull bird is from The Tenby Store in Queenscliff, Victoria.  The white birdhouse is from the Wooloongabba Antiques Centre.  The heart tray and birds were from a lovely little homewares shop in Mildura, Victoria.  The white pedestal bowl was from Blue Illusion.  The little timber bowls with lids were hand carved by my dad and step-grandfather.  They were both talented woodworkers.  The other finds came from discount shops, Target, Loot and Spotlight.

So that is my Expedit.  It fits perfectly along the wall in our back loungeroom. 

I miss you Dad.  It's been 5 years yesterday since you passed away.

Sharing at Miss Mustard Seed


  1. Love your door and handles too. Fiona

  2. I love Expedit! We have several and I am planning to get two more 2x4's when we do up the little boys room.
    Yours looks fabulous- I love all your little collections!

  3. Great styling, wish my Expedit looked this neat and well thought out!

  4. Kylie -our Expedit is still stuffed full of toys and kids books! yours is very pretty!

  5. Lovely styling Kylie, looks great. Enjoy your weekend.x

  6. I adore The Tenby Store. My parent's have a beach house near Queenscliff and I love visiting there. Your Expedit is immaculately styled. I especially like all the cane and little hints of greenery (also like the little photo collage you made for the post :-)

  7. These are exactly what i have been thinking about for my granddaughter's room...I will be searching IKEA soon...
    Thanks for sharing...Blessings, Becky

  8. Love the way you used your Expedit. Very stylish. I'm a new follower. Saw you on Furniture Feature Friday.

  9. The EXPEDIT just "keeps-on, keeping on" doesn't it? I have several throughout the house and they are always morphing! Love your sweet styling and tag line to your Dad.
    x KL
