
Monday 10 December 2012

How to Make Your Own Stickers

I love stickers.  They are such a quick way to decorate something.  Recently I discovered the Xyron Create A Sticker, and I knew I would have so much fun with it.  I bought the Xyron 250 which makes stickers up to 2.5 inches or 6.4cm wide.  I bought it from Queensland based Crafts Online here.  It's not a sponsored post.  I paid for it.

Basically, you can insert anything (paper, chipboard, fabric) and pass it through the machine by turning the handle and it will come out the other side as a sticker.  Shall we give it a go?

Making Paper Stickers

I cut out some gift wrap paper, put it through the machine and voila ...a sticker.

All I have to do is peel the paper away from the backing sheet and stick it on something.  This was fun, so Little Miss Stylish and I did some more.

This time we made Christmas stickers from Christmas wrapping paper.

Making Fabric Stickers

Next I decided to make some fabric stickers.  You can just cut the fabric up and put it through the machine, but I am hopeless at cutting circles so I thought I'd try and use a paper punch to cut the fabric.  This leads to a funny story, but if you haven't go time then scroll down.

To use a paper punch on fabric, you first need to stiffen the fabric.  I remember using Plaid fabric stiffener years ago, so I headed to Spotlight.  I asked the lady for fabric stiffener, but she had no idea what I was talking about.  She checked with the other staff.  No they don't have fabric stiffener you can brush on, only iron on interfacing.  I tried to explain to her ... you know, I want to stiffen the fabric so I can use a paper punch like Martha Stewart.  I've used it before.  Tonia Todman used to use it.  Well, she looked at me like a 20-something does as if to say 'Who the hell is Tonia Todman?'  Lucky I didn't ask for the prodcut by name, it's called Stiffy, and apparently it's hard to get Stiffy anymore (laughing as I type this).  Anyway, I googled it, and you can use a 50/50 mix of PVA glue and water to replace Stiffy so that's what I did.

Paint it all over the fabric, with baking paper underneath, then hang it on the line to dry.

Well I got about 6 circles cut before my paper punch decided it didn't want to cut any more fabric.  Maybe I needed Stiffy afterall?

I did manage to cut out lots of the smaller shapes and create stickers out of them.

With the left over fabric, I cut out tags, and because they were stiff I was able to punch a hole in the top.

Making Ribbon Stickers

Finally I wanted to try ribbon stickers.  This was easy, I just cut lengths of ribbon and thread them through.  I ran through two at a time to save my sticker cartridge.

So what do you think?  Honestly, for $30 this machine was a whole heap of fun to use.  I can't wait to make some more.

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  1. Now I totally have sticker machine envy :) What a brilliant idea an I could waste away many an hour paying on this doobywhacker :) xx

  2. Who knew it was so hard to get a Stiffy these days? Well, for $30 that's a whole lot of fun - I thought it would be a lot more than that. I do not need tempting!!

  3. hi Kylie, I have looked at these machines for a while but always refrained because my craft loving 6 year old son would burn through that cartridge in a millisecond and the house would be covered with stickers....
    but i love the fabric stiffener tip - thanks
    BTW I finally cleaned my BBQ yesterday and it looks brand new again. thanks for the motivation. I used white oil (it's what commercial cleaners use for shining stainless steel) instead of baby oil but it's probably very similar.
    cheers Fiona

  4. holy moly did you say $30...that sounds like a no brainer for a whole lot of fun!
    Bec x

  5. I have had a sticker maker for years, but never thought of using ribbon or fabric in it to make stickers- will have to give it a go!

  6. Wish I didn't know about this. Looks amazing and fun but I just don't have time! x

  7. Oh Kylie, I have sticker machine envy, I must have one.x

    1. You have to get one - they are soooo much fun

  8. LOVELY! Your machine sounds so fun. Envy too! Can you stop or are you stickering everything in sight?? Xx

    1. Ha ha Rach - I have found so many uses for stickers it's not funny.

  9. This would make a great gift. I love all your crafty ideas, made Bon Bons after seeing yours, thanks for sharing x

  10. Ah, you little beauty, Kylie! Just what I wanted to discover - the name of your little magic-maker. Off to Google it now...J x

  11. Hi Kylie: I went searching though your blog posts to find out just how the sticker maker works, and thanks for putting it here, in such great detail. I've never seen Stiffy in a Canadian store, but I think I might go around asking for it, just to see people's reactions. I'll tell them that Australians have it - LOL. Now I know just how you did that awesome label on my goodmail. Thanks so much!

  12. Kylie: I just have to make contact again because I have found Stiffy! In a Canadian store! When I saw it in my local hardware/everything store I burst out laughing. I even took a picture of it. I think I'll Instagram it so you can see it. Now you know where to find a Stiffy ...

